
27 November 2005

What's the dillio?

Well, I hope everyone had a better Thanksgiving than I did (I had to watch/doze through the Lion's pitiful excuse of a game). At any rate, the following are important questions/issues that need to be addressed:

1) Are we still in Week 11? (Give me updates, you lazy bums!)

2) When/Where will the Superbowl be held this semester?

3) Someone post the standings so we can start making predictions.


At 9:15 AM, November 29, 2005, Blogger Nathan Winslow said...


Things *ahem* have been generally lethargic concerning Tecmo of late, so we are still waiting for the first game of week 12 to be played (or at least last I checked) and pretty much there will be no superbowl. Two weeks in the semester left with 5 weeks of Tecmo to get through? I don't think so, at least not this year.

At 1:39 PM, November 29, 2005, Blogger Nathan Winslow said...

I'm not the commish, and at this point, I think he has just given up. Give him a ring and encourage him, maybe that will help. He is in your and Lee's old room (at least the room you had my freshman year.)

At 4:48 PM, November 29, 2005, Blogger Will said...

If Garrett can't be bothered to do his duty as commissioner (or even to register for this blog, let alone post on it) and TJ and John won't step up as co-commissioners, then take over, Winslow! Just start scheduling games, and getting them to agree to let you skip when people won't show up.

Has there ever been as season which didn't get completed by the end of Finals? And don't try to tell me this season's different...if you ALL had girlfriends, AND 19 credits, AND the season reset once a week, then MAYBE it'd be OK. But I know for sure the first of those, at least, isn't the case.



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